Irina Curenton

Irina Curenton

Irina Curenton


Irina Curenton is an Author, Educator, and Transformational Coach passionate about seeing mothers and families thrive, heal, and walk in wholeness together.

As a daughter who’s witnessed her mother overcome addiction and beat the odds, and a wife and mother of six who has walked through her own extensive 12-year healing process in the midst of motherhood, she carries a unique perspective equipped with both experience and expertise to educate mothers and families on restoring peace in the home, accelerate the healing process, and break through relational-emotional barriers.

She is called to help parents and children heal and release the wounds and scars passed on through generations, bridge the gap in the rebuilding process, and empower mothers to THRIVE in Motherhood while walking out Kingdom authority in the marketplace.

Allow Irina to inspire you to fully embrace your healing process, develop your voice, and fortify home as you walk out your kingdom purpose!

All sessions


  • 18 October, 2022
  • 4:30pm - 4:50pm


  • 18 October, 2022
  • 5:05pm - 5:25pm